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My Story

After graduating from Columbia College Chicago with a Bachelor's in Art & Design, I decided to continue creating throughout Chicago and expand my horizons by moving to New York. Upon moving to New York I landed a "dream job" as an assistant to the Creative Director at the largest contemporary art gallery in the world, but I was still unfulfilled and living nearly paycheck to paycheck. I kept looking at the higher ups in my job and realized that I did not want to be like them. Simultaneously, I met my second abusive partner and although this was a dark time in my life, it lead me to the light. 


It was after the second abusive relationship that I woke up one morning, unable to move my body in bed due to pain and bruising, that I had a breakthrough. I began asking those deeper questions: What about me is attracting an abusive partner? What about me is equating love for abuse? Why am I accepting this abuse? These questions propelled me into a five year journey of self-development, mindset, manifestation, and mysticism. I became absolutely obsessed with bettering myself and after finding Manifestation Babe // Kathrin Zenkina's podcast, I deep dove into the journey of self-transformation and transform, I did!


After taking Kathrin's MBA sixteen weeks course twice over, studying the research of Dr. Joe Dispenza, and training as an NLP, Hypnotherapist, and Success & Life Coach, I saw the results behind the development work that I was doing. I noticed my life completely transform. I left my corporate job that left me feeling unfulfilled and muted. I left for good  the abusive relationships, I manifested a larger space to create, my health improved, I started attracting job opportunities that gave me the freedom I so longed for. 


During the pandemic I received an opportunity to live stream the art and music I was creating in my free-time. As I was streaming on multiple platforms, people began to ask me about my personal life and I began to share my journey with Self-Development and saw that people were not only interested in the information I was sharing, but they were also experiencing profound shifts in their life from the insights and tools I was providing. 


I began @kritgalhelps on Instagram after having success on my Self-Development live streams. I received countless messages on the life changes my viewers were experiencing from applying my methods and decided it was time to commit fully to my viewers by offering courses & trainings.


KritGal Helps is my favorite creation thus far and I could not have done it without the countless people who shared their progress with me after using the same methods I used in my own journey. My aim, most importantly, is to empower you to be yourself by guiding you back to your Authenticity.


I cannot wait to embark on this journey with you whether it's through my free resources or Academy teachings, I cannot wait to see what massive changes you create in your life!

  • Mindset

  • Mysticism

  • Manifestation

  • Discipline

  • Awareness

  • Higher Self Activation

  • Hypnotherapy

  • Spirituality

  • Time-Techniques

  • Success & Life Coaching

  • Relationship Difficulties

  • Difficulties with Self-Esteem

  • Limiting Beliefs

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