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KritGal Helps Academy is where I give every bit of knowledge and information I have accrued over my years as a Self-Development expert. In this now eight week course I have designed several phases where we de-mystify Spirituality by studying Awareness, Vibration, and Devotion as Discipline—with bonuses that go deeper into understanding the Quantum Realm through Quantum Physics, the Subconscious Mind, and the Truth behind Manifestation. These Sessions aim to encourage transformation in each student by applying increased Awareness to their lives, anchoring in a Higher Vibration, and applying the rules of Self-Discipline, through which all things are consciously created.


While diving deep into the Spiritual Realm, we will explore what beliefs about yourself are holding you back and why. With this awareness, we will use meditations for releasing and forgiveness which will allow you to energetically release past versions of yourself, lack conditioning, and years of unworthiness or lack. When we energetically clear space through forgiveness, we allow for more of what we actually want into our lives. 


After clarifying our set intention for within KGHA and beyond, we will instill new belief systems that propel you forward and set into motion the life that you will consciously create. The provided tools will allow you to increase your Awareness, discuss and implement Self-Discipline, and deeper your connection to your Higher Self. Not only will students be lead to living a life of fulfillment, but they are shown the way in which to embody these ways of being that allow you to life a life of Authenticity. When we are in alignment with our Higher Self, we begin to co-create with Universal Intelligence. Spiritual Embodiment requires us to not only learn the ways of living a spiritual life, but to actually be the version of us who applies these concepts and in turn, see results present themselves in our life. 


Along with the completion of each Session, students will be expected to complete the KritGal Helps Implementation Workbooks in which, poses highly insightful questions pertaining to each specific Session. Students can go at their own pace and will have life-time access to this course! That means anytime the course is updated and renewed, you will absolutely have access to it! I am so excited about this course and I cannot wait to share it with you! I have seen so many epic changes in my own personal life that it is about time I put it into a course that allows you too to experience life changing 



Accompanied with the course, you will receive several bonuses and guided meditations as well as a community of people on a journey to better their lives and live in the results that they have created for themselves!

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KGHA is an 8 week outlined course with extended bonuses. I first launched the course in November 2022 and have been extending the course since then. 


The course consists of outlined Sessions with pre-recorded videos designed so students can go at their own pace without pressure to finish the course content every week. Each Session also includes a downloadable PDF and an Implementation Workbook with questions in reference to each Session's content. The Implementation Workbooks are meant to be completed following each Session and responses sent to me via email in order to move onto the next Session. Live Q&As are scheduled the Friday following Sessions Two & Three, Five & Six, but can be additionally added per students request–I usually host a vote on my instagram @kritgalhelps :)


The Sessions are outlined as follows: 


Introduction: Video, Calendar, & Session One Guide


Session One: Two Videos on Awareness & Gaining Clarity, Intention Setting Ceremony Guide, Guided Meditation, & Implementation Workbook


Session Two: Session Two Guide, Three Videos on Forgiveness/Release/Creating Space, Forgiveness Meditation, 

Session Two BONUS: Powerful Session on the Subconscious Mind! (Video)


Session Three: Session Three Guide, The Law of Vibration, Understanding & Attuning your frequency Video, Implementation Workbook 

Session Three BONUS: Discerning between your Ego & Higher Self Video, Re-clarifying what you want (your direction), Trust & Allowing your reality to catch up to the changes you have made during these Sessions


Session Four: Session Four Guide, Confronting Unworthiness & Not-Enoughness, Setting Boundaries, & practicing Embodiment 


Session Five: Activation for your Highest Timeline. Including guided visualization techniques, guided meditations, and a series of recorded affirmations to activate your Highest Timeline. This is a rest and integrate week where you will also apply all the knowledge and information you have learned to your life. While doing this we use guided meditations and affirmations to further integrate and align our energy with our Highest Timeline.


Session Six: Walking in full alignment with our new reality. Spiritual Embodiment at the highest level. Surrender and Trust meditation. Reflecting on what is working, what changes have you already seen, and what more do you wish to call in from this higher vibrational state. Getting clear on what you want to see more of now that you have fully embodied and integrated each lesson.


Session Seven (Bonus Round): Sleep State Awareness. How you can fully utilize your dream state to assist in your waking state. How your dreams can be guiding you. How to interpret signs and symbols that you may be receiving in dream time. Why dream journaling is helpful.


Session Eight (Bonus Round): Intro to Channeling. What is channeling? How to become a clear channel. What type of channeling you want to aim for? How you can remain protected while accessing your innate gifts.


Extensions for next launch so far include:


*Authenticity Activation

*Shadow Integration

*Bonus: Dream State Awareness

*Bonus: Intro to Channeling 

*Bonus: Intro to Tarot & Oracle Reading

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