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My Approach

Using methods obtained through several Self-Development courses I have personally taken (which include, but are not limited to: Kathrin Zenkina's MBA course, NLP Practitioner Certification, Hypnotherapist Certification, Success & Life Coach Certifications) along with years of research on Quantum Physics, Meditation, Mindset, Mysticism, and Manifestation, I decided to put the knowledge I've accrued to the ultimate test by serving others.


Through these courses and trainings, you will release outdated belief systems that are keeping you rooted in old paradigms that are no longer serving you while simultaneously implementing new systems that build a foundation for your ultimate success. 


These courses and offerings are designed for those looking to create a life they genuinely want to be living. By empowering you to live in your authenticity, you will begin to re-design your life on your terms while embodying your true essence.


With a heavy focus on creatives and entrepreneurs, I aim to guide my students in releasing their victim mentality, reframing their limiting beliefs, and developing their crystal clear image for what they most want to experience in this lifetime.


I give my students the expertise to raise their awareness, take back their innate power, and focus their attention on creating the life of their dreams by releasing outdated belief systems and a fear/lack mindset.


I eagerly open the tools in my own toolbox from years of applied knowledge to provide each student with exactly what they will need while building and maintaining a foundation that supports their dreams.


Simultaneously, I offer a heavy focus on empowering each student towards conscious manifestation with ancient practices and teachings.


My approach is to give my students the tools that they need for a lifetime, so that they too, can continue to spread the power of Self-Development using their own life as a guiding light for others. 

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