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As a certified Hypnotherapist, I have been studying the process of self-healing through hypnosis. I believe the gift of hypnosis can help redirect our attention to what we truly desire to experience in this lifetime.


During our Session we will discuss Hypnosis so you have a good understanding of what it is and how you will feel during the process. We will assess what your intention is or what it is you are looking to work through, release, or gain. This is a process of connecting you to your Higher Self or Subconscious. Our Session will be 60 minutes long and allow us to open a line of communication with your Subconscious Mind, which is responsible for 95% (or more) of your life.


By speaking directly to the Unconscious we will explore what Limiting Beliefs or other unconscious patterns are keeping you from achieving what it is you most want to achieve. By opening this communication, we can begin to work at directing and re-programming your Subconscious Mind so you can begin to experience life & success by your terms!


If interested in booking a session, but have questions or concerns before booking, please send me a message on my website or email me at to book a *free* consultation to make sure we are a good fit.

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Each Session is 60 minutes


We will go over your set intention (why you chose hypnosis)

What hypnosis is

What hypnosis is not

Therapy Session


Hypnotherapy can be used:


*to reduce & relieve stress

*improved focus 

*build awareness

*anchor in higher frequencies

*release limiting beliefs

*become a non-smoker

*weight loss 

*inner-child healing

*release past versions of yourself

*become more connected to your Higher Self (Higher Self Activation)







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